
Parking Young Achiever – Harriet Harvey

Parking Australia recently awarded Kerb’s Head of Global Sales and Marketing, Harriet Harvey, as 2019’s Parking Young Achiever. Harriet is an ambitious 25-year-old professional business woman. She began her career in marketing at Navitas, where she worked as the Campaign Management Coordinator on the Global e-Marketing Team. At Navitas, Harriet worked with Kerb’s co-founders and left to join Kerb in June 2017. Harriet has now been working in the parking industry for over 2 years, with plans to remain there for the foreseeable future as Kerb continues to expand. Within that time, she has gained tremendous knowledge and insight into parking habits, laws and regulations across the world. 

As Kerb’s Head of Global Sales and Marketing, she has many important roles, and often takes on those of others; whether it be because the team is short-handed, time poor, or simply because she’s going above and beyond to ensure the best outcomes for the company. 

She is a strong, yet approachable leader, with a team of seven working under her at Kerb. Harriet knows how to delegate to her staff extremely well. She learns their strengths and weaknesses upon starting their roles at Kerb and knows when to give them tasks that encourage growth and when to give them tasks that they will easily complete, so best to benefit Kerb and its wealth of employees. 

Harriet works diligently to market Kerb to worldwide audiences to increase parking space listings, users and brand awareness, to encourage more people to start parking smarter with Kerb. Harriet is a true advocate for Kerb and improving the parking experience by reducing road congestion and parking prices using Kerb’s sharing economy. Harriet oversees over 50 global Facebook pages for Kerb, amongst other social media pages. She plans and runs campaigns on all of these pages, as well as posting updates about Kerb on her own social media to further promote the company. In her role as Head of Global Sales and Marketing, Harriet also sources new business opportunities for Kerb, presents proposals to individuals and businesses and assists in setting them up on the Kerb platform. 

Aside from these roles in sales and marketing, Harriet is also on the Board of Directors. Here she helps establish corporate management policies and assists in decision making on major company issues. 

Harriet demonstrates her leadership skills every day, both in small trivial tasks and large-scale responsibilities. As Harriet manages a global team, organising and communication can be difficult at times. However, Harriet meets with each team member weekly via video call to ensure both parties are up to date on what is happening for Kerb in their part of the world. Oftentimes, Harriet works 12 hours days to coordinate these calls within the differing time zones. Harriet oversees all team member’s tasks; reviewing their work, enquiring about current deals they have and giving them direction for the week ahead. 

On a bigger scale, Harriet represents Kerb at numerous events, often presenting a speech on smart cities and mobility, and the role Kerb can play in such. She also continuously prospects, approaches and presents business proposals to large companies and councils.

Furthermore, Harriet keeps up to date with all current parking events and industry news, constantly sharing articles with staff and coming up with ideas for new features Kerb can add to best meet the needs of smart cities and businesses. She also does extensive research into different countries and their use of technology, and how drivers park in their cities to inform on what technology may be required to sell Kerb, or what sales approach will work best in different markets. 

Harriet not only excels in marketing and sales, but also in her knowledge of parking, including varying prices in different countries, technology and hardware, and attitudes and behaviours of global markets. With this knowledge, Harriet could easily manage and inform a global team; whether it be about when to run a certain campaign, how to enter a new market, what language is appropriate or who to contact about particular events or business opportunities. 

We, at Kerb, are so fortunate to have Harriet at the forefront of our marketing and sales team, and are extremely proud of her achievements.

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