
The key element you are overlooking in your real estate asset!

It is becoming increasingly apparent that in order for real estate owners and investors to remain competitive, it will be necessary for them to focus upon the experience which they can provide to the users of the buildings which they develop, own, and operate. This is requiring the adoption of a more holistic approach to building management, tenant engagement, building amenities, and customer experience.

The car park is one element of a real estate asset that can get overlooked in terms of the role it plays with tenant engagement, customer experience, and operational efficiency. The adoption of the KERB platform by real estate owners can significantly enhance the effectiveness of car park operations in terms of revenue optimization, customer engagement, cost savings, and operational management. The user of the car park can benefit from KERB via features such as touchless access, the use of mobile payment platforms, and the opportunity to book car park spaces in advance. The owner of the car park will be able to leverage the KERB platform to increase revenues, reduce costs, and provide a better customer experience, as well as to access data to support marketing and customer relationship initiatives

The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated many of the trends which were already in progress in terms of the evolution of real estate asset management. Issues relating to health and wellness are now a key consideration for occupiers when analyzing alternative office buildings, as well as for building residents, shopping center customers, and hotel guests. As a result, the touchless access and payment features associated with the KERB platform are likely to become standard going forward. In addition, as many owners and occupiers of buildings develop either tenant engagement, customer relationship, or employee experience platforms, the integration of specialist functions such as KERB within these platforms is likely to become more and more common. This will allow building owners, as well as large occupiers, to develop ecosystems relating to asset management and occupation which will enhance the user, customer, and employee experience. This will in turn enable building owners to meet the increasing demand for such ecosystems going forward.

KERB is very well placed to become a key element of this more holistic approach to asset management and occupation going forward, as part of the wider “flight to quality” being seen in the real estate sector. The key features of the KERB platform are very much aligned with the need to offer increased value and amenity to building users, and can also contribute to the efforts of building owners to enhance both tenant engagement and customer experience via better use of data. Given this situation, KERB can offer significant benefits and added value both to the key elements of day-to-day car park management as well as the broader aspects of both tenant engagement and customer experience. KERB also has a role to play in helping owners achieve wider Environmental, Social, and Governance targets and regulatory requirements.

KERB is relevant to all asset classes within the real estate industry, as well as to both the private and public sectors. Whilst there are clear benefits of utilizing the KERB technology platform in terms of the operation of asset portfolios or individual properties, KERB also has wider relevance in terms of efficiencies and economies of scale across the broader real estate market. Once KERB is more widely adopted by individual real estate owners and end-users, KERB can then form the basis of a platform targeted towards the enhancement of urban mobility. It is in this way that KERB can ultimately become not only an essential element of any future real estate development but also the foundation for a fundamental change in the way in which urban mobility is considered going forward.

Interested in learning more about how Proptech can increase the value of your asset? Make sure you tune into the first session of “Proptech Insights” for 2022 with Chris Brooke and Bernie Devine. Register here and join the virtual conversation on February 9th, 2022.

Chris Brooke is a Chartered Surveyor with more than thirty years of experience in various fields of the property industry. He graduated from Cambridge University in 1989, after which he began his career in the United Kingdom, prior to relocating to Hong Kong in 1992.

Mr Brooke is one of KERB’s global advisory board members. As a real estate professional with over thirty years of experience advising both private and public sector clients in relation to all aspects of property development, ownership, and occupation, he has a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the benefits of incorporating KERB with your real estate assets! 

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